Senior researcher (Directeur de recherche), ENS Paris-Saclay, France

Organisation of scientific events

Co-organiser, GoGreen European Workshop – Education in Green Conservation, Centre Malher, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 2025
Co-organiser, séminaire Travailler dans l'interdisciplinarité : retours d'expérience, Institut de l'Énergie Soutenable, DIM PAMIR, MSH Paris-Saclay, 2023-2024
Co-organiser, Symposium The practice of Robert Delaunay and his contemporaries, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2024
Organiser, Workshop on New opportunities for imaging heritage materials with luminescence approaches, ENS Paris-Saclay, Espace Simondon, 2024
Co-organiser, Journée d'étude « Qualifier l’interdisciplinarité : vocabulaires, réseaux, outils et indicateurs », DIM PAMIR, Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ, MNHN, Jussieu campus of Sorbonne-Université, 2023
Co-organiser, International Study Day on Archaeological Textiles, musée du Louvre, 2023
Elected chair, Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, 2022
Co-organiser, Référentiels : nature et pratiques en archéométrie et dans l'étude des matériaux anciens, DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux and réseau Cai-RN, MITI, CNRS, videoconference, 2021
Co-organiser, IAEA Consultancy meeting on Atoms for Heritage, IAEA, videoconference, 2020
Organiser, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, NICAS and IPANEMA ‐ 10 Years of Scientific Cooperation, Résidence de France, La Haye, 2019
Organiser, World Meeting Heritage, Sciences and Technologies, French Academy of Sciences, Paris, 2019
Organiser, Rencontre annuelle du DIM, DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux, Inria, Paris, France, 2019
Organiser, Side-event 'Nuclear Technologies and Cultural Heritage', IAEA Ministerial Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2018
Principal Organiser, 2e Journée nationale E-RIHS France, musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, Paris, 2018
Elected vice-chair, Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Castelldefels, 2018
Organiser, Du laboratoire au musée, Le Totem, Paris, 2018
Organiser, 'Physics of Ancient Materials' session, Joint conference of the Condensed Matter Diviion of the German Physical Society and of the European Physical Society, Berlin, DE, 2018
Co-organiser, Research Seminar on "Authenticity", ENS Paris-Saclay, IPANEMA, UCP, UVSQ, 2017–2018
Organiser, Science and Ancient Materials, French Academy of Sciences, Paris, 2017
Co-organiser, Technical Meeting on Developing strategies for Safe analysis of paintings and paint materials, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, NL, 2017
Organiser, Launch of the Key Research Sector Ancient and Heritage Materials, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 2017
Principal Organiser, Journée E-RIHS France, ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris, 2016
Co-organiser, International Symposium on ‘Cultural Heritage and Data: the Role of Research Infrastructures’, Washington DC, USA, 2016
Principal Organiser, Matériaux du patrimoine et patrimoine matériel sur le plateau de Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2015
Co-organiser, Technical Meeting on Investigating heritage materials with safer ion and photon beam experiments, C2RMF, Paris, 2015
Principal Organiser, 6th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology (SR2A-2014), Louvre Museum, Paris, 2014
Co-organiser, Imaging and Analysis of Cultural Heritage Materials session, Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 2014
Organiser, Consultant Meeting on Mitigation strategies for radiation damage on cultural heritage materials, IAEA, Vienna, 2013
Rapporteur, Technical Meeting on Applications of synchrotron radiation sources for compositional and structural characterization of objects in cultural heritage, forensics and materials science, IAEA, Vienna, 2011
Organiser, Synchrotron radiation for ancient materials conference, SOLEIL, 2011
Organiser, A beamline for ancient materials at SOLEIL conference, SOLEIL, 2009
Co-organiser, Closing meeting of the GDR SOLEIL et Patrimoine, C2RMF / SOLEIL, 2008
Co-organiser, workshop Bridging Archaeometry and Conservation – New Diagnostic Tools for Metal Artefacts, International Council of Museums – Conservation Committee (ICOM-CC), Metal, SOLEIL, 2006

Main participation to conference boards

Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 9th International Conference on Synchrotron radiation and neutrons in art and archaeology (SR2A), Los Angeles, US, 2025
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 9th International Conference on Synchrotron radiation and neutrons in art and archaeology (SR2A), Munich, Germany, 2023
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the workshop on Hot Topics in Synchrotron Research in Heritage Science, Getty Conservation Institute and SLAC Stanford, videoconference, 2021
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Cultural Heritage Symposium of the 2019 E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, Nice, France, 2019
Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th International Palaeontology Congress (IPC5), Paris, France, 2018
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 8th International Conference on Synchrotron radiation and neutrons in art and archaeology (SR2A), Portsmouth University, UK, 2018
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 7th International Conference on Synchrotron radiation and neutrons in art and archaeology (SR2A), Art Institute of Chicago, USA, 2016
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Cultural heritage materials symposium at the International Vacuum Congress (IVC-19), Paris, France, 2013
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Protecting and securing our cultural heritage: diagnostics, characterization, conservation and restoration Symposium, European Material Research Society Spring Meeting (EMRS), Strasbourg, France, 2013
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 5th International Conference on Synchrotron radiation and neutrons in art and archaeology (SR2A), Metropolitan Museum, New York, USA, 2012
Member of the Program Committee of the 21st International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis (IXCOM), Campinas, Brazil, 2011
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Science at synchrotrons conference, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 2009
Member of the International Expert Committee of the 8th European Commission Conference on Sustaining Europe's Cultural Heritage, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Science at synchrotrons conference, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 2007.