Senior researcher (Directeur de recherche), ENS Paris-Saclay, France

Scientific publications

L. Patarin, J. Ritoux, J.-F. Audibert, L. Bertrand, A. Brayard, E. Fara, and R. B. Pansu. Spectro-FLIM for heritage: scanning and analysis of the time resolved luminescence spectra of a fossil shrimp. Meth. Microsc., 2025. In press. Article ]
Q. Wu, H. Zhou, L. Bertrand, M. Stols-Witlox, L. Brambilla, and E. Joseph. Natural and artificial aging methods for silver mock-ups in recent conservation and heritage studies: A short review. Chem. Meth., 2025. In press. Article ]
V. Gonzalez, G. Wallez, D. Gourier, C. D. Caro, S. De Meyer, I. Bijker, K. Janssens, M. Thoury, F. Gabrieli, L. Monico, S. C. Marri, C. Dejoie, V. Sorano-Stedman, S. Elarbi, and L. Bertrand. Structure- Optical Properties Relationships in Cobalt-Based Purple Pigments Used by Robert Delaunay. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2025. In press. Article ]
L. Bertrand and J. Doucet. Description scientifique du projet IPANEMA. Project, Oct. 2006, Synchrotron SOLEIL, 2025. Document ]
C. Iacconi, A. P. Gaibor, I. Degano, S. van der Vaart-Verschoof, I. Joosten, K. Grömer, and L. Bertrand. The oldest dress of the Netherlands? Recovering a now-vanished, colour pattern from an Early Iron Age fabric in an elite burial. J. Archaeol. Sci., 173, 106109, Jan. 2025. Article ]
A. Bourgès, J. Cuisin, P. Hélou de La Grandière, B. Jouves-Hann, D. M. Burlot, G. Pïchon-Meunier, O. Rolland, S. David, and L. Bertrand. Domaine de recherche et d’innovation majeur (dim) patrimoines matériels – innovation, expérimentation, résilience (pamir). activités et comptes rendus du groupe de travail “recherche et restauration”. CeroArt, 13, 2024. Article ]
C. Iacconi, E. Desplanques, C. Moulherat, M. L’Héronde, A. King, A. Autret, S. Schoeder, B. Fayard, É. Leccia, and L. Bertrand. Archaeological mineralised textiles from the Iron Age site of Creney-le-Paradis support its elite status. Antiquity, 98(401):1306-1320, Oct. 2024. Article ]
S. Schöder, K. Müller, L. Tranchant, A. Rouquié, P. Gueriau, M. Thoury, É. Bérard, T. Okbinoglu, F. Berenguer, C. Iacconi, L. Robbiola, T. Moreno, S. X. Cohen, and L. Bertrand. Heritage research at the PUMA beamline. Appl. Phys. A, 130:848, 2024. Article ]
A. Chave, C. Reynaud, É. Anheim, and L. Bertrand. De la chimie avant la chimie. au fil des textiles minéralisés, du 16e au 20e siècle. Act. Chim., 498:49–56, Oct 2024. Article ]
J.-P. Echard, L. Bertrand, and É. Anheim. Retour d’expérience, retour à l’expérience. une revisite du vocabulaire, des images et des protocoles de l’étude synchrotron des vernis de lutherie. Technè, 57:96–103, Sep 2024. Article ]
T. R. Pansani, L. Bertrand, B. Pobiner, A. Behrensmeyer, L. Asevedo, M. Thoury, H. Ismael Araújo-Júnior, S. Schöder, A. King, M. L. A. F. Pacheco, and M. A. T. Dantas. Anthropogenic modification of a giant ground sloth tooth from Brazil supported by a multi-disciplinary approach. Sci. Rep., 14:19770, 2024. Article ]
H. Zhou, M. Stols-Witlox, and L. Bertrand. Be clean, be green. perceptions of "cleanliness" in the history and reflection on the cleaning treatments of silver in modern conservation practice. History, Culture, and Heritage, AHM Conference 2024: ‘Heritage, Memory and Material Culture’, 3:61–68, Jun 2024. Article ]
F. Ramacciotti, G. Sciutto, L. Cazals, D. Biagini, S. Reale, I. Degano, M. L. Focarete, R. Mazzeo, M. Thoury, L. Bertrand, C. Gualandi, and S. Prati. Microporous electrospun nonwovens combined with green solvents for the selective peel-off of thin coatings from painting surfaces. J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 663:869-879, Jun 2024. Article ]
C. Iacconi, J. Piard, E. Tosi Brandi, F. Azambourg, M. Dubois, V. Créance, and L. Bertrand. Training designers in archaeological chemistry as part of a project-based studio. J. Chem. Ed., 101(3):956–962, 2024. Article ]
L. Dalecky, F. Sottile, L. Hung, L. Cazals, A. Desolneux, A. Chevalier, J.-P. Rueff, and L. Bertrand. Non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering for discrimination of pigments. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26:4363-4371, 2024. Article ]
L. Dalecky, I. Bonaduce, E. Anheim, J. La Nasa, M. L’Héronde, C. Morel, E. Catelli, S. Prati, Z. Li, L. Beck, I. Caffy, E. Delqué-Kolic, A. Chevalier, and L. Bertrand. A typical postwar workshop: Insights into simon hantaï’s oil paint palette. J. Cult. Heritage, 66:511–522, Mar-Apr 2024. Article ]
A. Chave, C. Reynaud, É. Anheim, C. Iacconi, and L. Bertrand. Studying archaeological mineralised textiles. a perspective from sixteenth to nineteenth century scholars. J. Cult. Heritage, 66:304–315, Mar-Apr 2024. Article ]
C. Iacconi, L. Bertrand, C. Reynaud, A. Chave, A. Thomas, E. Desplanques, and S. Cohen. International study day on "New research on mineralised textiles". Arch. Textile Rev., 65:157–159, Dec 2023. Volume ]
B. Jouves-Hann, S. David, and L. Bertrand. Soutenir l’implication des restaurateurs dans la recherche : une enquête en région Île-de-France. In B. Jouves-Hann, S. David, and L. Bertrand, editors, Recherche et Restauration : histoires, pratiques et perspectives, actes de la journée tenue à Paris le 22 septembre 2021 à l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris. HiCSA édition, Nov 2023.
L. Bertrand. Avant-propos. In B. Jouves-Hann, S. David, and L. Bertrand, editors, Recherche et Restauration : histoires, pratiques et perspectives, actes de la journée tenue à Paris le 22 septembre 2021 à l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris. HiCSA édition, Nov 2023.
B. Jouves-Hann, S. David, and L. Bertrand, editors. Recherche et Restauration : histoires, pratiques et perspectives, actes de la journée tenue à Paris le 22 septembre 2021 à l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris. HiCSA édition, Nov 2023.
T. R. Pansani, B. Pobiner, P. Gueriau, M. Thoury, P. Tafforeau, E. Baranger, A. V. Vialou, D. Vialou, C. McSparron, M. C. de Castro, M. A. T. Dantas, L. Bertrand, and M. L. A. F. Pacheco. Evidence of artefacts made of giant sloth bones in central Brazil around the last glacial maximum. Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 290(2002):20230316, Jul 2023. Article ] Nature Ecology and Evolution research highlight
L. Bertrand, S. Schoeder, I. Joosten, S. M. Webb, M. Thoury, T. Calligaro, É. Anheim, and A. Simon. Practical advances towards safer analysis of samples and objects from cultural and natural heritage. Trac-Trends Anal. Chem., 164:117078, Jul 2023. Article ]
L. Bertrand and L. Maldanis. Un point sur... : Lumière sur les débuts de la vie. Bup Physique – Chimie [Bulletin of the Association of Physics and Chemistry Professors], 117(1052):271–276, Mar 2023.
C. Iacconi, A. Autret, E. Desplanques, A. Chave, A. King, B. Fayard, C. Moulherat, E. Leccia, and L. Bertrand. Virtual technical analysis of archaeological textiles by synchrotron microtomography. J. Archaeol. Sci., 149:105686, Jan 2023. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2023
R. Georgiou, C. Sahle, D. Sokaras, S. Bernard, U. Bergmann, J.-P. Rueff, and L. Bertrand. X-ray Raman scattering: A hard X-ray probe of complex organic systems. Chem. Rev., 122(15):12977-13005, Jun 2022. Article ]
S. Hageraats, M. Thoury, M. Cotte, L. Bertrand, K. Janssens, and K. Keune. Microchemical imaging of oil paint composition and degradation: State-of-the-art and future prospects. In M. P. Colombini, I. Degano, and A. Nevin, editors, Analytical Chemistry for the Investigation of Paintings and the Detection of Forgeries, pages 359–418. Springer, Sept 2022. Chapter ]
R. Georgiou, R. S. Popelka-Filcoff, D. Sokaras, V. Beltran, I. Bonaduce, J. Spangler, S. X. Cohen, R. Lehmann, S. Bernard, J.-P. Rueff, U. Bergmann, and L. Bertrand. Disentangling the Chemistry of Australian Plant Exudates from a Unique Historical Collection. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 119(22):e2116021119, May 2022. Article ] Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource highlight 2022
M. Godet, S. Schoeder, L. Binet, L. Brunel-Duverger, M. Thoury, and L. Bertrand. X-ray irradiation effects on Egyptian blue and green pigments. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 37, 1265-1272, Apr 2022. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2022
L. Bertrand, M. Thoury, P. Gueriau, É. Anheim, and S. Cohen. Deciphering the chemistry of cultural heritage: Targeting material properties by coupling spectral imaging with image analysis. Acc. Chem. Res., 54(13):2823-2832, Jun 2021. Article ]
L. Bertrand, J.-P. Demoule, L. Langouet, and M. Regert. Archéologie – Les techniques de l’archéométrie. In Universalia 2021, pages 334–337. Encyclopaedia Universalis France, 2021.
J. Li, M. Thoury, A. Didier, C. Moulherat, L. Robbiola, A. King, C. Fossé, C. Reynaud, M. Bellato, A. Thomas, and L. Bertrand. Naviguer dans la toile : imagerie 3D de textiles minéralisés du site de Nausharo (première moitié du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C.). Technè, 50:73–79, 2021. Article ]
L. Bertrand and L. Maldanis. Un point sur... : Lumière sur les débuts de la vie. Act. Chim., Société Chimique de France, 460-461:159-160, Mar-Apr 2021. Article ]
P. Gueriau, J. Lamsdell, R. Wogelius, P. Manning, V. Egerton, U. Bergmann, L. Bertrand, and J. Denayer. A new Devonian euthycarcinoid reveals the use of different respiratory strategies during the marine-to-terrestrial transition in the myriapod lineage. R. Soc. Open Sci., 7:201037, Oct 2020. Article ]
C. Reynaud, M. Thoury, A. Dazzi, G. Latour, M. Scheel, J. Li, A. Thomas, C. Moulherat, A. Didier, and L. Bertrand. In-place molecular preservation of cellulose in 5,000-year-old archaeological textiles. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 117(33):19670–19676, Aug 2020. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2020
J.-P. Demoule, L. Bertrand, L. Langouet, M. Régert. Archéologie (traitement et interprétation) – L'archéométrie. In Encyclopaedia Universalis. Encyclopaedia Universalis France, 2020. Article ]
T. Learner, L. Bertrand, and C. Schmidt Patterson. Advancing science in conservation. Conservation Perspectives. The GCI Newsletter, 35(1):4–9, 2020. Journal ]
S. X. Cohen, S. M. Webb, P. Gueriau, E. Curis, and L. Bertrand. Robust framework and software implementation for fast speciation mapping. J. Synchrotron Rad., 27:1049-1058, 2020. Article ]
P. Gueriau, S. Bernard, F. Farges, C. Mocuta, D. B. Dutheil, T. Adatte, B. Bomou, M. Godet, D. Thiaudière, S. Charbonnier, and L. Bertrand. Oxidative conditions can lead to exceptional preservation through phosphatization. Geology, 48(12):1164–1168, Jul 2020. Article ]
L. Maldanis, M. Hickman-Lewis, K. Verezhak, P. Gueriau, P. Guizar-Sicairos, M. Jaqueto, R. Trindade, A. Rossi, F. Berenguer, F. Westall, L. Bertrand, and D. Galante. Nanoscale 3D quantitative imaging of 1.88 Ga Gunflint microfossils reveals novel insights into taphonomic and biogenic characters. Sci. Rep., 10:8163, May 2020. Article ]
T. Calligaro, L. Arean, C. Pacheco, Q. Lemasson, L. Pichon, B. Moignard, C. Boust, L. Bertrand, S. Schoeder, M. Thoury, L. Rosta, L. Szentmiklósi, J. Füzi, Z. László, and V. Heirich. A new 3D positioner for the analytical mapping of non-flat objects under accelerator beams. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, 467:65-72, Mar 2020. Article ]
U. Bergmann, L. Bertrand, N. Edwards, P. Manning, and R. Wogelius. Chemical mapping of ancient artifacts and fossils with x-ray spectroscopy. In E. J. Jaeschke, S. Khan, J. R. Schneider, and J. B. Hastings, editors, Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers, volume 2. Springer Reference, 2019. Chapter ]
A. King, N. Guignot, J.-P. Deslandes, M. Pelerin, I. Joosten, D. De Looff, J. Li, L. Bertrand, E. Rosenberg, A. Dewaele, E. Boulard, Y. Le Godec, J.-P. Perrillat, E. Giovenco, G. Morard, T. Weitkamp, M. Scheel, J. Perrin, H. Chevreau, and J.-P. Itié. Recent tomographic imaging developments at the PSICHE beamline. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 8(4):551-558, Dec 2019. Article ]
U. Bergmann, R. Georgiou, P. Gueriau, J.-P. Rueff, and L. Bertrand. Nouvelles spectroscopies Raman X du carbone pour les matériaux anciens. Bup Physique – Chimie [Bulletin of the Association of Physics and Chemistry Professors], 1018:1195–1202, Dec 2019.
L. Bertrand, S. Cohen, M. Thoury, S. David, and S. Schoeder. Ipanema, un laboratoire dédié à l’étude des matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux par méthodes synchrotron. Bup Physique – Chimie [Bulletin of the Association of Physics and Chemistry Professors], 1018(113):1191–1193, Dec 2019.
L. Bertrand and D. Gourier. Avant-propos : Une physique des matériaux anciens. Bup Physique – Chimie [Bulletin of the Association of Physics and Chemistry Professors], 1018(113):1161–1163, Dec 2019.
L. Bertrand and D. Gourier, editors. Physique et Matériaux anciens, volume 1018. Bup Physique – Chimie [Bulletin of the Association of Physics and Chemistry Professors], Dec 2019.
U. Bergmann, R. Georgiou, P. Gueriau, J.-P. Rueff, and L. Bertrand. Nouvelles spectroscopies Raman X du carbone pour les matériaux anciens. Reflets de la Physique [Journal of the French Physical Society], 63:22–25, Oct 2019. Article ]
L. Bertrand, S. Cohen, M. Thoury, S. David, and S. Schoeder. Ipanema, un laboratoire dédié à l’étude des matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux par méthodes synchrotron. Reflets de la Physique [Journal of the French Physical Society], 63:21, Oct 2019. Article ]
L. Bertrand and D. Gourier. Avant-propos : Une physique des matériaux anciens. Reflets de la Physique [Journal of the French Physical Society], 63:4, Oct 2019. Article ]
L. Bertrand and D. Gourier, guest editors. Special Issue: Physique et Matériaux anciens. Reflets de la Physique [Journal of the French Physical Society], number 63, Oct 2019. Volume ]
R. Georgiou, P. Gueriau, C. Sahle, S. Bernard, A. Mirone, R. Garrouste, U. Bergmann, J.-P. Rueff, and L. Bertrand. Carbon speciation in organic fossils using 2D to 3D x-ray Raman multispectral imaging. Sci. Adv., 5(8):eaaw5019, Aug 2019. Article ] ESRF highlight 2019, Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2019
L. Bertrand, P. Janvier, D. Gratias, and C. Brechignac. Correspondence: Heritage research to underpin restoration. Nature, 570:164, Jun 2019. Article ]
J. Li, P. Gueriau, M. Bellato, A. King, L. Robbiola, M. Thoury, M. Baillon, C. Fossé, S. Cohen, C. Moulherat, A. Thomas, P. Galtier, and L. Bertrand. Synchrotron-based phase mapping in corroded metals: insights from early copper-base artefacts. Anal. Chem., 91(3):1815-1825, Jan 2019. Article ]
P. K. Cook, C. Mocuta, É. Dufour, M.-A. Languille, and L. Bertrand. Full-section otolith microtexture imaged by local-probe X-ray diffraction. J. Appl. Cryst., 51(4), 1182-1196, Aug 2018. Article ]
D. Davesne, P. Gueriau, D. B. Dutheil, and L. Bertrand. Exceptional preservation of a Cretaceous intestine provides a glimpse of the early ecological diversity of spiny-rayed fishes (Acanthomorpha, Teleostei). Sci. Rep., 8:8509, May 2018. Article ]
L. Bertrand, C. Gervais, A. Masic, and L. Robbiola. Paleo-inspired systems: Durability, sustainability and remarkable properties. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57(25):7288-7295, 2018. Article ]
L. Bertrand, C. Gervais, A. Masic, and L. Robbiola. Paläo‐inspirierte Systeme: Haltbarkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und bemerkenswerte Eigenschaften. Angew. Chem., 130(25):7408-7416, 2018. Article ]
L. Bertrand. Synchrotron-based X-ray analytical techniques and materials analysis. In S. L. Lopez-Varela, G. Artioli, L. Barba, G. Campbell, G. Fairclough, C. Dore, I. Kakoulli, J. M. Parés, J. Thomas, C. Wells, L. Wright, and K. Hoffmeister, editors, The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. Wiley, 2018. Chapter ]
P. Gueriau, J.-P. Rueff, S. Bernard, J. Kaddissy, S. Goler, C. J. Sahle, D. Sokaras, R. A. Wogelius, P. L. Manning, U. Bergmann, and L. Bertrand. Noninvasive synchrotron-based X-Ray Raman scattering discriminates carbonaceous compounds in ancient and historical materials. Anal. Chem., 89(20):10819–10826, 2017. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2017
M. Thoury, B. Mille, T. Séverin-Fabiani, L. Robbiola, M. Réfrégiers, J.-F. Jarrige, and L. Bertrand. High spatial dynamics-photoluminescence imaging reveals the metallurgy of the earliest lost wax-cast object. Nat. Comm., 7:13356, Nov 2016. Article ] CNRS national press release
S. Hoerlé, D. G. Pearce, L. Bertrand, C. Sandt, and M. Menu. Imaging the layered fabric of paints from Nomansland rock art (South Africa). Archaeometry, 58(S1):182-199, Sep 2016. Article ]
P. K. Cook, É. Dufour, M.-A. Languille, C. Mocuta, S. Réguer, and L. Bertrand. Strontium speciation in archaeological otoliths. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 31:700-711, 2016. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2016
L. Bertrand, S. Bernard, F. Marone, M. Thoury, I. Reiche, A. Gourrier, P. Sciau, and U. Bergmann. Emerging approaches in synchrotron studies of materials from cultural and natural history collections. Top. Curr. Chem., 374(7):1-39, Feb 2016. Article ]
P. Gueriau, S. Bernard, and L. Bertrand. Advanced synchrotron characterization of paleontological specimens. Elements, 12(1):45-50, Feb 2016. Article ]
L. Bertrand. Lumière synchrotron : À la recherche des matériaux anciens. In B. Boulanger, S. Guellati-Khelifa, D. Hennequin, and M. Stehle, editors, La lumière en lumière. Du photon à l’internet, pages 149–152. EDP Sciences, 2016.
A. C. Crabbé, H. J. M. Wouters, C. Mocuta, M. Silly, L. Bertrand, H. Terryn, and I. Vandendael. De Colorando Auro: Medieval colouring techniques researched using modern analytical techniques. Technè, 43:120–126, 2016. Article ]
L. Bertrand, S. Schoeder, S. David, and M. Thoury. Initiatives européennes d’IPANEMA et du synchrotron SOLEIL pour l’étude des matériaux anciens. Technè, 43:75–78, 2016. Article ]
L. Bertrand. Methodological developments and support for synchrotron investigation in Cultural heritage and Archaeology. In Trends of Synchrotron Radiation Applications in Cultural Heritage, Forensics and Materials Science. Proceedings of a Technical Meeting held in Vienna, Austria 17—21 October 2011, volume 1803 of TecDoc, pages 48–59. International Atomic Energy Agency, 2016. Book ]
E. Anheim, M. Thoury and L. Bertrand. Micro-imagerie de matériaux anciens complexes (I). Rev. Synth., 136(3):329-354, Dec 2015. Article ]
P. Gueriau, C. Mocuta, and L. Bertrand. Cerium anomaly at microscale in fossils. Anal. Chem., 87(17):8827–8836, 2015. Article ]
P. K. Cook, M.-A. Languille, É. Dufour, C. Mocuta, O. Tombret, F. Fortuna, and L. Bertrand. Biogenic and diagenetic indicators in archaeological and modern otoliths : Potential and limits of high-definition synchrotron micro-XRF elemental mapping. Chem. Geol., 414:1-15, 2015. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2015
J.-P. Echard, M. Thoury, B. H. Berrie, T. Séverin-Fabiani, A. Vichi, M. Didier, M. Réfrégiers, and L. Bertrand. Synchrotron DUV luminescence micro-imaging to identify and map historical organic coatings on wood. Analyst, 140(15):5344-5353, 2015. Article ]
L. Bertrand, P. Dillmann and I. Reiche. Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology 2014 (Editorial), J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 30:540-541, 2015. Article ]
P. Gueriau and L. Bertrand. Deciphering exceptional preservation of fossils through trace elemental imaging, Microsc. Today, 23(3):2—6, May 2015. Article ]
L. Bertrand, S. Schöder, D. Anglos, M. Breese, K. Janssens, M. Moini, and A. Simon. Mitigation strategies for radiation damage in the analysis of ancient materials, Trends Anal. Chem., 66:128-145, 2015. Article ]
M. Moini, C. Rollman, and L. Bertrand. Assessing the Impact of Synchrotron X-ray Irradiation on Proteinaceous Specimens at Macro and Molecular Levels, Anal. Chem., 86:19, 9417-9422, 2014. Article ]
P. Gueriau and L. Bertrand. Deciphering exceptional preservation of fossils using trace elemental imaging. Microsc. Microanal. [extended abstract], 20(S3):2004–2005, Aug 2014. Article ]
M. Thoury, M. Réfrégiers, and L. Bertrand. A new synchrotron approach to study ancient materials : UV/visible photoluminescence micro-imaging. Microsc. Microanal. [extended abstract], 20(S3):2022–2023, Aug 2014. Article ]
P. Gueriau, C. Mocuta, D. B. Dutheil, S. X. Cohen, D. Thiaudière, the OT1 consortium, S. Charbonnier, G. Clément, and L. Bertrand. Trace elemental imaging of rare earth elements discriminates tissues at microscale in flat fossils. Plos One, 9(1):1-9, Jan. 2014. Article ] CNRS national press release, Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2014
L. Bertrand. Apports historiques du rayonnement synchrotron. chap. V. Étude des matériaux anciens.Hist. Rech. Contemp., 3(1):65-67, 2014. Article ]
L. Bertrand, A. Vichi, J. Doucet, P. Walter, and P. Blanchard. The fate of archaeological keratin fibers in a temperate burial context: Microtaphonomy study of hairs from Marie de Bretagne (15th c., Orléans, France). J. Archaeol. Sci., 42, 487-499, 2014. Article ] Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2014
C. Gervais, M.-A. Languille, S. Reguer, M. Gillet, S. Pelletier, C. Garnier, E. Vicenzi, and L. Bertrand. Why Does Prussian Blue Fade? Understanding the Role(s) of the Substrate. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 28(10), 1600-1609, 2013. Article ] Cover J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 28(10)
L. Bertrand, M. Réfrégiers, B. Berrie, J.-P. Echard, M. Thoury. A multiscalar photoluminescence approach to discriminate among semiconducting historical zinc white pigments. Analyst, 138(16), 4463-4469, 2013. Article ] Cover Analyst, 138(16); Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2013
L. Bertrand, M. Thoury, E. Anheim. Ancient materials specificities for their synchrotron examination and insights into their epistemological implications. J. Cult. Heritage, 14(4): 277-289, 2013. Article ]
C. Gervais, M.-A. Languille, S. Reguer, M. Gillet, E. P. Vicenzi, S. Chagnot, F. Baudelet, L. Bertrand. “Live” Prussian blue fading by time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. A, 111(1): 15-22, 2013. Article ]
M.-A. Languille, S. Réguer, M. F. Guerra, S. Leroy, L. Bertrand. Sonder les métaux archéologiques au synchrotron, L'Archéologie au laboratoire, La Découverte / INRAP, 2013. Book ]
L. Bertrand, M. Cotte, M. Stampanoni, M. Thoury, F. Marone, S. Schoeder. Development and trends in synchrotron studies of ancient and historical materials. Phys. Rep., 519(2): 51-96, 2012. Article ]
S. Leroy, S. X. Cohen, C. Verna, B. Gratuze, F. Téreygeol, P. Fluzin, L. Bertrand, P. Dillmann. The medieval iron market in Ariège (France). Multidisciplinary analytical approach and multivariate analyses. J. Archaeol. Sci., 39(4): 1080-1093, 2012. Article ]
L. Bertrand, L. Robinet, M. Thoury, K. Janssens, S. X. Cohen, S. Schöder. Cultural heritage and archaeology materials studied by synchrotron spectroscopy and imaging (invited paper). Appl. Phys. A, 106(2): 377-396, 2012. Article ]
L. Bertrand, M.-A. Languille, S. X. Cohen, L. Robinet, C. Gervais, S. Leroy, D. Bernard, E. Le Pennec, W. Josse, J. Doucet, S. Schöder. European research platform IPANEMA at the SOLEIL synchrotron for ancient and historical materials. J. Synchrotron Rad., 18(5): 765-772, 2011. Article ]
M. Thoury, J.-P. Echard, M. Réfrégiers, B. Berrie, A. Nevin, F. Jamme, L. Bertrand. Synchrotron UV-visible multispectral luminescence micro-imaging of historical samples. Anal. Chem., 83(5):1737-1745, 2011. Article ] CNRS national press release
L. Bertrand, L. Robinet, S. X. Cohen, C. Sandt, A.-S. Le Hô, B. Soulier, A. Lattuati-Derieux, J.-P. Echard. Identification of the finishing technique of an early eighteenth century musical instrument using FTIR spectromicroscopy. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 399(9):3025-3032, 2011. Article ]
M. Lebon, K. Müller, J.-J. Bahain, F. Fröhlich, C. Falguères, L. Bertrand, C. Sandt, I. Reiche. Imaging fossil bone alterations at the microscale by SR-FTIR microspectroscopy. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 26(5):922-929, 2011. Article ]
S. Leroy, R. Simon, L. Bertrand, A. Williams, E. Foy, P. Dillmann. First examination of slag inclusions in medieval armours by confocal SR-micro-XRF and LA-ICP-MS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 26:1078-1087, 2011. Article ]
C. Gervais, M.-A. Languille, S. Réguer, S. Pelletier, E. Elkaim, E. P. Vicenzi, and L. Bertrand. Estimation of iron valencies of prussian blue pigment by anomalous x-ray diffraction [abstract]. Acta. Cryst. A, 67:C111, 2011.
S. Hœrlé, L. Bertrand, S. Mguni, L. Jacobson. Microanalysis and dating for rock art studies: Towards a common analytical strategy. South Afr. Archaeol. Bull., 65(192):221-224, 2010.
J.-P. Échard, L. Bertrand. Complementary spectroscopic analyses of varnishes of historical musical instruments. Spectrosc. Eur., 22(2):12-15, Mar 2010. Article ]
J.-P. Echard, L. Bertrand, A. von Bohlen, A.-S. Le Hô, C. Paris, L. Bellot-Gurlet, B. Soulier, A. Lattuati-Derieux, S. Thao, L. Robinet, B. Lavédrine, S. Vaiedelich. The nature of the extraordinary finish of Stradivari's instruments. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49(1):197-201, Jan 2010. Article ] Cover Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49(1), Synchrotron SOLEIL highlight 2010
J.-P. Echard, L. Bertrand, A. von Bohlen, A.-S. Le Hô, C. Paris, L. Bellot-Gurlet, B. Soulier, A. Lattuati-Derieux, S. Thao, L. Robinet, B. Lavédrine, S. Vaiedelich. Zusammensetzung und Aufbau des berühmten Stradivari-Lackes. Angew. Chem., 122(1):202–206, Jan 2010. Article ]
P. Blanchard, S. Kacki, J. Rouquet, L. Bertrand. Découverte exceptionnelle dans le prieuré fontevriste de la Madeleine à Orléans : la sépulture de l'abbesse Marie de Bretagne ? Dans P. Charlier, éd., Proc. 2e colloque de pathographie, Loches, avril 2007, Paris, 2009. Éditions de Boccard.
J.-P. Échard, M. Cotte, É. Dooryhée, L. Bertrand. Insights into the varnishes of historical musical instruments using synchrotron micro-analytical methods. Appl. Phys. A, 92(1):77-81, July 2008. Article ]
L. Bertrand, S. Réguer, J. Doucet, R. van Langh. Synchrotron techniques provide new insights for the study of ancient and historical metal artefacts. Dans C. Degrigny, R. van Langh, I. Joosten, B. Ankersmith, éds, Proc. of the Metal07 Conf., 17th - 21st Sept. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 2, p. 15-19. ICOM Committee for Conservation, 2008.
S. Réguer, D. Neff, C. Remazeilles, E. Guilminot, F. Nicot, C. Pelé, M. Meguelati, F.Mirambet, P. Dillmann, P. Refait, N. Huet, F. Mielcarek, J. Rebière, L. Bertrand. Desalinisation of iron archaeological artefacts: understanding of chlorine removal mechanisms of the corrosion layers with the help of characterisation techniques. Dans C. Degrigny, R. van Langh, I. Joosten, B. Ankersmith, éds, Proc. of the Metal07 Conf., 17th - 21st Sept. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 2, p. 60-68. ICOM Committee for Conservation, 2008.
S. Leroy, A.-M. Desaulty, P. Dillmann, F. Tereygeol, C. Verna, L. Bertrand. First examinations of ore, slag and iron artefacts from the iron-making site of Castel Minier (Aulus-Les-Bains, 09) (France). Dans Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Archeometallurgy in Europe, 17-21 June 2007, Aquileia, Italy, 2008.
L. Bertrand, J. Doucet. Dedicated liaison office for cultural heritage at the SOLEIL synchrotron. Nuovo Cimento C, 30(1):35-40, 2007. Article ]
L. Bertrand, S. Réguer, J. Doucet. Le synchrotron, un outil polyvalent pour l'étude chimique des matériaux du patrimoine [Synchrotron: a versatile tool for the chemical study of heritage materials]. Actualité chimique, 312-313:105-111, October-November 2007. Article ]
L. Bertrand, D. Vantelon, E. Pantos. Novel interface for cultural heritage at SOLEIL. Appl. Phys. A, 83(2):225-228, May 2006. Article ]
L. Bertrand, J. Doucet, D. Raoux. Recent developments of the heritage and archaeology liaison office at the SOLEIL synchrotron. Dans Proc. of the 7th EC conference 'Safeguarded Cultural Heritage. Understanding and Viability for the Enlarged Europe' Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May - 3 June 2006, 2007.
L. Bertrand. Physical techniques in the study of art, archaeology and cultural heritage vol. 2, chap. Synchrotron Imaging for Archaeology, Art History, Conservation and Paleontology. Elsevier Science, July 2007. Chapter ]
L. Bertrand. Non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects, chap. SOLEIL and COST organised the first training school on the synchrotron analysis of ancient materials, p. 212-215. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2006.
L. Bertrand, P. Dillmann. Table Ronde : Synchrotron et archéométrie [Round table: Synchrotron and archaeometry]. ArchéoSciences. Revue d'archéométrie, 29:169-171, 2005. Article ]
L. Bertrand. First european training school on the synchrotron analysis of ancient materials. Soc. Archaeol. Sci. Bull., 27(4):8-9, 2004.
L. Bertrand, M. Sayed, X.-Y. Pei, E. Parisini, V. Dhanaraj, V. Bolanos-Garcia, J. Allende, T. L. Blundell. Structure of the regulatory subunit of CK2 in the presence of a p21WAF1 peptide shows the flexibility of the acidic loop. Acta Cryst. D, 60(10):1698-1704, Oct 2004. Article ]
L. Bertrand, J. Doucet, P. Dumas, A. Simionovici, G. Tsoucaris, P. Walter. Microbeam synchrotron imaging of hairs from Ancient Egyptian mummies. J. Synchrotron Radiat., 10(5):387-92, September 2003. Article ]
L. Bertrand, J. Doucet, A. Simionovici, G. Tsoucaris, P. Walter. Lead-revealed lipid organization in human hair. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1620(1-3):218-24, Mar 2003. Article ]
G. Tsoucaris, L. Bertrand, P. Walter. Is supramolecular organisation a key factor for long term preservation? Dans G. Tsoucaris, J. Lipkowski, éds, Molecular and structural archaeology: cosmetic and therapeutic chemicals, vol. 117, p. 135-156. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Sept 2003. Article ]
L. Bertrand, G. Tsoucaris, P. Walter. Étude de cheveux de momies égyptiennes par rayonnement synchrotron. Dans Memnonia cahier supplémentaire 1, Parfums, onguents et cosmétiques dans l'Égypte ancienne, p. 21-28. 2003.
L. Bertrand, P. Chevallier, J. Doucet, A. Simionovici, G. Tsoucaris, P. Walter. Apport du rayonnement synchrotron à l'étude de cheveux archéologiques [Role of synchrotron radiation in the archeological analysis of hair]. J. Phys. France IV, 12(6):237-243, 2002. Article ]
L. Bertrand, T. Calligaro, J.-C. Dran, M. Dubus, M. F. Guerra, B. Moignard, L. Pichon, J. Salomon, P. Walter. Développement expérimental d'une ligne PIXE-XRF pour les matériaux du patrimoine [Experimental development of a PIXE-XRF line for objects of art and archeological finds]. J. Phys. France IV, 12(6):359-364, 2002. Article ]
A. Beyneix, C. Moulherat, L. Bertrand. À propos du niveau néolithique final du tumulus X du Freyssinel (Saint-Bauzile, Lozère). Bull. Soc. Préhist. France, 98(4):663-674, 2001. Article ]

Other publications

L. Bertrand, C. Iacconi. L’imagerie 3D révolutionne la recherche archéologique sur les textiles « fossilisés ». The Conversation, 26 Aug 2024. Article ]
L. Bertrand. Le patrimoine culturel parmi les priorités thématiques du récent programme-cadre de recherche “Horizon Europe” adopté par la Commission européenne. Flash Info Ingénieurs et scientifiques de France, 131, May 2021.
L. Bertrand. Tribune : Le patrimoine, gisement d'idées pour le futur ? Libération, 11729:26, 15 Feb 2019. Article ]
M. Thoury, T. Séverin-Fabiani, L. Bertrand, B. Mille, L. Robbiola, M. Réfrégiers, and J.-F. Jarrige. Mehrgarh. à l’origine de la fonte à la cire perdue. Archeologia, 550:13, Jan 2017.
L. Bertrand. Les matériaux anciens, au cœur des enjeux environnementaux et sociétaux de demain ? Huffington Post, 19 Sept 2015. Article ]
L. Bertrand. Les lipides organisés des cheveux... de momies. Biofutur, 236:9-10, Sept 2003.
L. Bertrand. La mémoire des cheveux. Pour la science, 306:22, 2003.